Demand Nunes' Resignation & A Special Prosecutor

March 29, 2017

Hey guys, this is REALLY important. We must make a huge stink about this and not let it slip past unchallenged.

Last week, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA), the Chair of the Intelligence Committee tasked with investigating Trump's ties to Russia held a secret meeting at the White House with a source who revealed that members of the Trump team may have been incidentally swept up in surveillance efforts during the campaign (likely because they were talking to people they shouldn't have been talking to.)

Nunes, who was a member of Trump's transition team and is currently tasked with leading the supposedly impartial investigation into Russiagate, then rushed right back over to the White House to share that news with Trump and with reporters before even sharing it with the other members of his committee. His reasoning was that Trump's getting such a lot of bad coverage that this was the right thing to do!

This is a huge breach of etiquette and also a crystal clear reflection of Nunes' inability to lead an impartial, non-partisan investigation into Trump's potential collusion with Russia. It's quite clear what his goal is - to shield the Trump team from accusations of colluding with Russia to sway our elections. When questioned, Nunes said, "It was a judgement call." Which it was, albeit 100% the wrong judgement call...

Top House Democrats are now calling for Nunes to recuse himself from the investigation which is a good start but not nearly enough. Nunes needs to be removed from the Intelligence committee and they must appoint a special prosecutor to run a thorough, impartial investigation.

Here's what you do:

1. Call your Representative. Find your Rep if you don't already have her or him in your phone. You may have to try several offices before you get through to a staffperson. When someone does pick up, say: "Hi, my name is ___ and I'm calling from ___ to urge Rep. ___ to demand that Rep. Devin Nunes not only recuse himself but that he also be removed from the House Intelligence Committee and that a special prosecutor is appointed to lead a thorough, unbiased investigation into President Trump and his campaign staff's potential ties to Russia. His recent actions clearly show that he is incapable of being unbiased and nonpartisan." Then thank them for taking your call. Always be polite even as our democracy crumbles around you.

2. Email your Representative. Submit a comment through your Rep's website comment form. You're welcome to adapt mine below.

Dear Rep. ___,

I'm writing to urge you to demand that your colleague, Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) recuse himself from the investigation into President Trump's ties to Russia.

Nunes' recent actions demonstrate that he is incapable of running an impartial, non-partisan investigation and the integrity of our democracy hangs in the balance.

I also urge you to call for the appointment of a special prosecutor to perform a thorough, free and unbiased investigation into Trump and his campaign's potential ties to and collusion with Russia.

Thank you.

3. Call Paul Ryan. (202) 225-0600. Press 6 to leave a message. You don't get a lot of time so keep it brief. Just say this. "My name is ___ and I'm calling from ___ to urge you to remove Rep. Nunes from the House Intelligence Committee and appoint a special prosecutor to investigate President Trump's ties to Russia." Then press 1 to approve your message and press 1 again to send your message.

4. Tweet at Nunes, the House Intelligence Committee, Speaker Ryan and your Representative and Senators about this. If you have space, use the hashtag #nunesmustresign

You're welcome to recycle or retweet any of the tweets below.

5. Share this with 5 other people via email or social media.

Call ASAP To Protect Your Privacy - Vote Is TODAY!

March 28, 2017

First of all, congratulations on helping to defeat the hateful AHCA last week. It feels really good, right?!

There's still a long fight to protect the ACA from Republican attempts to sabotage it but for now, we'll turn our attention to something much more pressing - Congress is poised to repeal essential regulations that protect your privacy online TODAY.

The legislation passed the Senate by two (Republican) votes last week and the House is moving quickly now to do the same. It's called S.J. Res. 34, a resolution that would invalidate the Federal Communications Commission's privacy rules and prevent the FCC from issuing similar regulations in the future. Wanna guess how the Republican-controlled House is likely to vote????

But we gotta try to stop this thing and there's literally no time to waste -- the vote is scheduled for noon today (Tuesday, 3/28/17.)

1. Call your Representative as soon as the phones open today (Tuesday). Find your Rep if you don't already have her or him in your phone.

2. You may have to try several offices before you get through to a staffperson. When someone does pick up, here's your script: "Hi, my name is ___ and I'm calling from ___ to urge Rep. ___ to protect my online privacy by voting NO on S.J. Resolution 34 later today. I do not want Internet service providers to be able to sell my data without getting my permission." Then thank them for taking your call. Always be polite.

Also, if your Rep. is a Republican member of the House Committee on Rules -- here's the list: Sessions (TX), Cole (OK), Woodall (GA), Burgess (TX), Collins (GA), Cheney (WY), Buck - CO, Newhouse (WA), Byrne (AL) -- he or she has already voted last night to move this forward and you should definitely mention your disappointment with that vote.

3. Forward this email to ten friends and ask them to join you in calling their Reps before noon.

4. Share this on Facebook and Twitter.

Go enjoy your day.

Trumpcare Vote Delayed! Keep Calling And Find An Event Near You

March 23, 2017

Paul Ryan and He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named were forced to pull their scheduled vote on Trumpcare today because they couldn't get the votes they needed to pass it. Which is good!

But the fight is far from over. We need to keep the pressure on to convince enough members of Congress that they do not want to touch this thing with a ten-foot pole.

So. Here's what you do:

1. Tomorrow (Friday) call your Representative AGAIN. It's okay to call them every day. And submit another comment via their web site. And write on their Facebook page. And tweet at them. Keep doing it. See yesterday's post for scripts and sample comments.

2. Click here now to find an event taking place near you. Then go join it. Do it even if it's not your typical thing and you feel nervous or weird about it. It'll be good for you.

I am a recovering shy person and my natural tendency is to avoid rallies, protests, marches and such like the plague. However, I find that when I do go, it feels really GOOD to be there. It buoys my spirit to be around other people who also think what's going on is crazy and unacceptable and want to do something to stop it. The truth is that it's way more fun to resist in the company of others than all by your lonesome :)

Today I was at a pop up emergency room demonstration outside my Rep., John Faso's office in upstate NY. We had a big group of people - some of them nurses and other healthcare providers, some of them farmers, some who are on Medicaid, some (like me) who get their coverage via the ACA and others who just want to stop Trumpcare because it would be a disaster for all of us.

I was glad I went. And you'll be glad if you go, too. Trust me. Find out what's happening near you right now.

Call Your Rep THIS MORNING and Again After He/She Votes on AHCA

Things are coming to a head and the House will likely vote on the reprehensible AHCA at some point today. It's all hands on deck to try to stop this monstrosity.

Here's what you need to do today AND tomorrow.

TODAY: Call your Representative and urge him or her to vote No.

Find your Rep's number(s) here. You may have to call more than one office to get through - phones are bound to be jammed all day but keep trying! Sample script is below.

"Hi, my name is ____and  I'm calling from _____ to urge Rep. NAME to vote NO on Trumpcare when it comes to a vote today. I'm very concerned by the CBO's findings that the AHCA would result in 24 million Americans losing health coverage, including tens of thousands who live right here in our district. If you get your coverage via your state's ACA marketplace, you should definitely mention that now -- "I get my health insurance through the ACA and I am scared that I will lose it." I will definitely be watching to see how Rep. NAME votes today and will remember it when I cast my vote in 2018. Thanks for taking my call."

TOMORROW: Call your Representative and, depending on how he/she voted, either thank them for standing up for your health or let them know you're deeply disappointed and will not be voting for them in 2018. Sample scripts are below for each scenario.

If your Rep supported Trumpcare:

Hi, my name is ___ and I'm a constituent from ____. I'm calling to let the Representative know that I am extremely disappointed in his/her vote in support of Trumpcare yesterday. It is perfectly clear from the CBO's report that this bill will be a disaster for those in our district and America, as a whole. If Rep. NAME truly wanted to represent our best interests he would have voted NO. I will remember his/her vote when I cast my vote next November. Thank you for taking my call.

If your Rep opposed Trumpcare:

Hi, my name is ___ and I'm a constituent from ____. I'm calling to let the Representative know how much I appreciate his/her vote against Trumpcare yesterday. It is perfectly clear from the CBO's report that this bill will be a disaster for those in our district and America, as a whole and I am grateful to Rep. NAME for representing my best interests and those of everyone in our district. I will definitely remember his/her vote when I go to the polls in 2018. Thank you so much taking my call. 

Please don't stop there - you should also submit a comment via their web site and contact them via Facebook and Twitter if you use social media.

Please share widely ASAP!

Demand a Special Prosecutor on Russia & Sessions

March 21, 2017

FBI Director James Comey confirmed on Monday that the FBI is actively investigating ties between Trump's campaign and Russia. He also shot down the ridiculous wiretap allegations Trump made to distract us all from his ties to Russia.

We also know that Attorney General Jeff Sessions lied under oath about his contact with Russian officials during Trump's campaign. Sessions has recused himself from leading the investigation into Trump's ties to Russia, passing that responsibility on to Acting Deputy Attorney General Dana Boente (apparently, it's pronounced BEN-tay). But that is nowhere near enough.


Here's what you need to do today:

1. Call the Attorney General's Office at 202-353-1555. When you get through, here's your short script:

"Hi, my name is ___ and I'm calling from ___ to urge Deputy AG Boente (BEN-tay) to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Attorney General Session's possible perjury as well as Russia's interference in the 2016 elections and President Trump's possible collusion. These are obviously hugely sensitive issues of national security that require a thorough, impartial investigation that is not tainted by association with Sessions. Thank you so much for taking the time to listen."

2. Submit a comment through the AG's office's web site. You're welcome to copy my comment below or write your own. In terms of topic, I chose "Messages to the Deputy Attorney General."

"I'm writing to urge you to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate President Trump's ties to Russia and possible collusion in their successful attempts to influence our 2016 elections as well as to investigate Attorney General Jeff Session's ties to Russia and his lies under oath about his contacts with the Russians during Donald Trump's campaign.

Given that AG Sessions has admitted to lying under oath, I do not feel that merely recusing himself will be enough to ensure a truly free and impartial investigation. We need an independent investigator who can perform a thorough, unbiased investigation into these deeply troubling questions. Thank you for your time and attention to this truly urgent matter of national security."

3. Call your Senators and your Representative to ask them to push for a special prosecutor, too. You can use the same script as above and just swap in their name for Boente's name. I'm going to stop suggesting you put them into your phone or address book - if you haven't already done that, you're probably not going to :)

4. Share this action with three friends via email or social media. Then go about your business.

Stop Trumpcare - House Will Vote THIS Thursday

March 19, 2017

The Republicans are moving frightening quickly on their horrible healthcare bill. They're hoping to get it to the floor of the House for a full vote this Thursday so it's all hands on deck to convince your Representative to reject it before then.

This is not a new action but I've updated the script and I'm adding another very important step -- to get three of your friends or family members to contact their Representative about Trumpcare (a.k.a. the AHCA - American Health Care Act) before Thursday.

1. Find your Rep's number(s) here. You may have to call more than one office to get through.

2. Find out if your Representative is on the Budget Committee - see list here. If your Rep. is a Republican (with the exception of these three Republicans who voted against it - Dave Brat (R-VA), Mark Sanford (R-SC), or Gary Palmer (R-AL), he or she has already voted in favor of the bill and you should use the script at the bottom of this post marked with an asterisk.

3. When you reach a staffperson, here's your script (always be polite - they have a really hard job):

"Hi, my name is NAME. I'm a constituent calling from TOWN/CITY. I'm calling to urge Rep. NAME to vote NO on the new Republican healthcare bill when it comes to the House floor later this week.

I'm very concerned by the CBO's findings that the AHCA would result in 24 million Americans losing health coverage, including tens of thousands who live right here in our district. (If you get your coverage via your state's ACA marketplace, you should definitely mention that now -- "I get my health insurance through the ACA and I am scared that I will lose it.")

I am disturbed that this bill would have the worst impact on the elderly and the poor - the very people who need the most help.

In addition, this bill is playing politics with women's health by including a completely unnecessary provision to de-fund Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood provides affordable routine health care services like breast exams and pap smears that help protect millions of women - especially poor women - from cancer. Since Planned Parenthood ALREADY does not receive federal funding for abortions this provision seems spiteful and politically-motivated."

When you're done with your rant, please thank the staffer for taking your call.

3. Then contact your Rep. via his/her website contact form. If you're on Facebook and Twitter, share your thoughts with them there, too.

4. Share this action with anyone you know who shares your politics and then follow up with a phone call or another email to make sure that at least three of those people contact their House Rep. before Thursday.

* If your Representative is on one of the committees that's had a chance to vote on the AHCA already, and voted YES, use this version of the script to let them know you're paying attention to their votes:

"Hi, my name is NAME. I'm a constituent calling from TOWN/CITY. I'm calling to urge Rep. NAME to vote NO on the new Republican healthcare bill when it comes to the House floor later this week. I was extremely disappointed when he/she voted YES to move the AHCA out of committee recently as it is clear that this bill is not in the best interest of his/her constituents.

The CBO found that the bill would result in 24 million Americans losing health coverage, including tens of thousands who live right here in our district. (If you get your coverage via your state's ACA marketplace, you should definitely mention that now -- "I get my health insurance through the ACA and I am scared that I will lose it.")

I am also disturbed that this bill would have the worst impact on the elderly and the poor - the very people who need the most help. 

In addition, this bill is playing politics with women's health by including a completely unnecessary provision to de-fund Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood provides affordable routine health care services like breast exams and pap smears that help protect millions of women - especially poor women - from cancer. Since Planned Parenthood ALREADY does not receive federal funding for abortions this provision seems spiteful and politically-motivated."  

Sign Up for Swing Left and Start Registering Resistance Voters

March 10, 2017

The most important thing is to regain control of the House in 2018 because we're largely powerless to stop Trump unless and until we do that. SwingLeft is doing great work to that end.

Please sign up for Swing Left right now and get involved.

Those of you who are here NY's 19th Congressional District, I cannot urge you strongly enough to start working on registering voters - beginning this Sunday, March 12th.

I will be at the Kingston site for the Register Resistance Voters effort this Sunday (thanks for hosting, Citizen Action of NY).

Come join me or sign up at one of the many other sites to learn how to register voters, get the materials you need and hit the streets. Bring friends!

For what it's worth, going door to door registering voters is basically my worst nightmare (shy, socially awkward people UNITE!) but I am willing to do it because I love America and I do not want to see it go down in flames. I also do not want my kids to have to grow up in a corrupt dictatorship filled with hatred...

So even if knocking on doors is not your idea of fun - and trust me, it is not my idea of fun - it is our civic duty. We have to do it.

Urge Your Rep. To Reject the GOP Healthcare Bill

March 08, 2017

It took the Republicans seven years to craft that?! The new GOP bill to replace the Affordable Care Act is pretty pathetic. Even the name is oddly flat. I was expecting something more like the "Make America Healthy Again Act"?

On the plus side, it's not just Democrats who dislike it. Lots of conservatives are enraged by it, too, albeit for completely different reasons.

Your task today is to urge your Representative to reject it.

1. Find your Rep's number(s) here (and add them all to your activism cheat sheet or create a contact in your phone if you haven't already). You may have to call more than one office to get through.

2. When you reach a staffperson, here's your script (be friendly and polite):

"Hi, my name is NAME. I'm a constituent calling from TOWN/CITY. I'm calling to urge Rep. NAME to reject the new Republican bill to replace the Affordable Care Act. I find it very disturbing that this new bill (the American Health Care Act) would result in many Americans, including those here in our district losing health coverage.

The bill would have the worst impact on the elderly and the poor - the very people who need the most help. Replacing government subsidies with tax credits only helps people who are making enough money to pay taxes. The bill will also take insurance away from millions of individuals and cripple state budgets by phasing out the Medicaid expansion.

In addition, this bill is playing partisan politics with women's health by including a completely unnecessary provision to defund Planned Parenthood which provides affordable routine health care services like breast exams and pap smears that help protect millions of women from cancer. Since Planned Parenthood ALREADY does not receive federal funding for abortions this provision is clearly a spiteful, politically-motivated ploy that will only end up hurting women - especially lower-income women.

I also think it's incredibly irresponsible for the Republicans to be rushing this bill without first having it scored by the Congressional Budget Office so that people can see how much it will cost and how many people will lose coverage."  

When you're done with your rant, please thank the staffer for taking your call.

3. Then contact your Rep. via their website contact form. If you're on Facebook and Twitter, share your thoughts with them there, too.

4. Share this action with anyone you know who shares your politics.

If you'd like to read more about the bill, you can find the full text of the bill here. And below are links to some articles about it.


Food for Thought

March 04, 2017

Just wanted to share this piece by former British Prime Minister Tony Blair. I think it's an accurate read on things. Not that I really know what to do to rebuild the center but...

Hope you all have a good weekend. Spend time with your family and friends, unplug, go outside, cook and eat good food.

LONDON — Outrage is easy; strategy is hard. Outrage provides necessary motivation. But only strategy can deliver victory.

The emotional response to the rightist populism sweeping the West is one of protest and dismay. But if there is to be an effective fightback, there has to be a cool analysis of what is happening, why and what can be done.

Politics is being reshaped, and this phenomenon is the same whether it is in the United States or in Europe. At stake in the forthcoming elections in France and Germany will be the future of Europe and, possibly, of European liberal democracy.

The rightist populism, on both sides of the Atlantic, is intent on blowing up traditional conservative politics and replacing it with a new coalition, comprising traditionally left-leaning supporters in working-class communities who feel left behind by globalization and traditionally right-leaning supporters who hate liberalism. Both constituencies believe that traditional culture is at risk from immigration and “political correctness.” Both believe in the nation-state as opposed to international alliances. Both feel let down by the so-called elites and think that the solution is an authoritarian figure strong enough not to care what a biased establishment thinks about him.

This is a revolution that is partly economic, but mainly cultural. The new coalition differs from the old Reagan-Thatcher one, though it has some similarities. Back in the 1980s, working-class voters moved to the right because they felt that the left didn’t satisfy their aspirations for self-improvement. That was a cultural issue, of course; but it was primarily an economic one. It was not so much that they felt fearful as that they felt held back.

Today is different. The modus operandi of this populism is not to reason but to roar. It has at times an anarchic feel. Yet it has also mobilized a powerful media behind it. Its supporters welcome the outrage their leaders provoke. This polarizes public discourse and enhances their sense of belonging, so that even when they’re in government, they act as if they were excluded from it.

Meanwhile, traditional conservatives feel like strangers in their own land. They are unsure whether to play along with the new order on the basis that it will soon pass or to accept that this is a revolution aimed at overturning their authority and fight it.

The causes of this movement are the scale, scope and speed of change. This is occurring economically as jobs are displaced and communities fractured, and culturally as the force of globalization moves the rest of the world closer and blurs old boundaries of nation, race and culture.

The same dynamics are splintering the left, too. One element has aligned with the right in revolt against globalization, but with business taking the place of migrants as the chief evil. They agree with the right-wing populists about elites, though for the left the elites are the wealthy, while for the right they’re the liberals.

This leftist populism is a profound error. It has no chance of matching the populist appeal of the right, and it dangerously validates some of the right’s arguments. This only fuels a cynicism that depresses support for the more progressive parts of the left’s program.

But this left tendency has gained from the seeming paralysis of the center. The parties and politicians of the center have become the managers of the status quo in an era when people want change. So, the center — in both its center-right and center-left camps — is marginalized, even despised.

The question is, will this be a temporary phase, perhaps linked to the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis and Sept. 11, and will politics soon revert to normal, or has a new political age begun?

The party structures on both sides of the Atlantic have their origins in the Industrial Revolution and the debates engendered by that epoch about socialism and capitalism, the market and the state. These parties have endured because the roots they put down were very strong. But now, there are different distinctions than those simply of traditional right and left.

When I was growing up, people like my dad were conservative; and that meant economically and socially. Today, many such voters don’t fit that old stereotype. They may be pro-private enterprise and conservative on economics in traditional terms, but they’re also socially liberal — in favor, for instance, of gay rights. And there are those who used to vote left, but who are culturally illiberal and now don’t mind voting for parties of the wealthy.

Today, a distinction that often matters more than traditional right and left is open vs. closed. The open-minded see globalization as an opportunity but one with challenges that should be mitigated; the closed-minded see the outside world as a threat. This distinction crosses traditional party lines and thus has no organizing base, no natural channel for representation in electoral politics.

Politics in most European countries, and certainly in the United States, is still dominated by the traditional parties of right and left. Under pressure from radical populism, though, it’s shifting more to the extremes, as we’re seeing with the British Labour Party and the French Socialists.

So this leaves a big space in the center. For the progressive wing of politics, the correct strategy is to make the case for building a new coalition out from the center. To do so, progressives need to acknowledge the genuine cultural anxieties of those voters who have deserted the cause of social progress: on immigration, the threat of radical Islamism and the difference between being progressive and appearing obsessive on issues like gender identity.

The center needs to develop a new policy agenda that shows people they will get support to help them through the change that’s happening around them. At the heart of this has to be an alliance between those driving the technological revolution, in Silicon Valley and elsewhere, and those responsible for public policy in government. At present, there is a chasm of understanding between the two. There will inevitably continue to be a negative impact on jobs from artificial intelligence and big data, but the opportunities to change lives for the better through technology are enormous.

Any new agenda has to focus on these opportunities for radical change in the way that government and services like health care serve people. This must include how we educate, skill and equip our work forces for the future; how we reform tax and welfare systems to encourage more fair distribution of wealth; and how we replenish our nations’ infrastructures and invest in the communities most harmed by trade and technology.

Progressives must reach across the party divide, making a virtue of nonpartisanship. Those who feel dispossessed within existing party structures should make common cause, and do so unashamedly. This is exactly what those of us are doing in Britain who are making the case for staying in a reformed European Union.

The politics of the progressive center has not died, but it needs reinventing and re-energizing. For liberal democracy to survive and thrive, we must build a new coalition that is popular, not populist.

Tony Blair, a former leader of the Labour Party, was prime minister of Britain from 1997 to 2007.

Urge your Rep to Reject the Privatization of Public Education

March 03, 2017

Today's action is simple and important - call your House Rep. and urge him or her to reject HR 610 a new bill that would begin the privatization of our public education system. There's more detailed info about the bill below if you want it.

1. Find your Rep's number(s) here (and add them all to your activism cheat sheet or create a contact in your phone if you haven't already).

2. Check to see if your Rep. has already co-sponsored the bill here. There were only three co-sponsors when I wrote this - all Republicans: Trent Franks of AZ, Andy Harris of MD, and Pete Olson of TX but check again. Use the second script* below if your Rep. has already signed on to this terrible bill

3. When you get through, say: "Hi, my name is NAME. I'm a constituent calling from TOWN/CITY. I'm calling to urge Rep. NAME to protect our public education system by rejecting HR 610 that would begin the privatization of our schools. Public education is one of the cornerstones of our democracy and I hope Rep. NAME will be an outspoken champion for it."

*If your Rep is one of the few co-sponsors, please say: "Hi, my name is NAME. I'm a constituent calling from TOWN/CITY. I'm calling to tell Rep. NAME that I am extremely disappointed that HE/SHE has co-sponsored HR 610 to privatize our public education system. Public education is one of the cornerstones of our democracy and HIS/HER decision to support the de-funding of our schools is both dangerous and unpatriotic. I urge HIM/HER to reconsider and withdraw support for this bill.

4. Share this action with anyone you know who will join you in calling to protect public education.

5. If you want to contact your Rep. via printed letter (or postcard), website contact form, Facebook and Twitter, that will be helpful, too.

More About HR 610 (which the Republicans are calling the "Choices in Education Act of 2017")

You can read the full text of the bill here.

The bill would eliminate the Elementary and Education Act of 1965, which is the nation's educational law and provides equal opportunity in education.

It would effectively start the school voucher system to be used by children ages 5-17, and starts the de-funding process of public schools.

It would abolish the Nutritional Act of 2012 (No Hungry Kids Act) which provides nutritional standards in school breakfast and lunch.

It would repeal ESSA (Every Students Succeeds Act) of 2015. ESSA is a big comprehensive program that covers programs for struggling learners, AP classes, ESL classes, classes for minorities such as Native Americans, Rural Education, Education for the Homeless, School Safety (Gun-Free schools), Monitoring and Compliance and Federal Accountability Programs.

Some of the things ESSA does for Children with Disabilities:

  • Ensures access to the general education curriculum 
  • Ensures access to needed accommodations ( e.g. larger print, additional time) on assessments  
  • Ensures use of principles of "Universal Design for Learning" in materials and instruction so that all have curriculum access and ability to learn 
  • Includes provisions that require school districts to use research-based instruction and curriculum in schools, especially with students who represent groups that have been consistently “underperforming" or underachieving. 
  • ESSA also requires that states write Title I (ESSA granted federal funds to assist students and schools in poverty) plans to address how they will improve conditions for learning including: reducing incidents of bullying and harassment in schools, reducing overuse of punitive discipline practices and reducing the use of aversive behavioral interventions (such as restraints and seclusion). 

All of this goes away if ESSA does. 

Email & Call NY's Attorney General Eric Schneiderman

March 02, 2017

Your job today is to share your support for NY Attorney General Eric Schneiderman's investigation of Trump's many (dare we hope impeachable?) offenses. We can't expect the Republican-controlled Congress to lead the charge on this, after all...

You do NOT have to live in NY to do this.

Call (212) 416-6218 and also email: - make sure to include your name, address and phone number in the email.

If you don't feel like composing your own email - you can use the one below. Feel free to edit.

Subject: Please continue to investigate Pres. Trump's conflicts of interest and violations

Dear Attorney General Schneiderman,
I'm writing to urge you to further investigate President Trump's potential conflicts of interests and violations of the emoluments clause of the Constitution. If you find cause, I urge you to file suit.

Thank you for your leadership in protecting the integrity of our democracy and upholding the rule of law.



Then help spread the word -- forward this post to anyone you know who shares your politics, share it on Facebook and post it on Twitter. 

You're welcome to retweet my retweet of Schneiderman.
For more on this topic, check out this Politico piece.

If you don't live in NY, you may also want to contact your own state's AG to urge them to investigate Trump's violation of the emoluments clause of the Constitution.

Attend or Host a SwingLeft House Party This Weekend

March 01, 2017

No matter how many news outlets Trump bans from the White House or how many other distractions he throws up, we can't afford to stop paying attention to the 2018 midterm elections.

Fortunately, a lot of us are chomping at the bit to take back control of the House in 2018 by winning back the 52 (of the 435) seats that are competitive. The two main organizations I know of who are leading the charge on this are Flippable (who just reported their first victory - a Delaware state Senate race where the Democrat won by a narrow margin thanks to a burst of support from people like you!!!) and SwingLeft.

SwingLeft is kicking things off by organizing house parties across the country this coming weekend so people can meet each other and start to get organized.

Today's action is to find a SwingLeft House party this coming weekend, RSVP and put it on your calendar. And if there isn't one in your area, maybe YOU should host one.