This is not a new action but I've updated the script and I'm adding another very important step -- to get three of your friends or family members to contact their Representative about Trumpcare (a.k.a. the AHCA - American Health Care Act) before Thursday.
1. Find your Rep's number(s) here. You may have to call more than one office to get through.
2. Find out if your Representative is on the Budget Committee - see list here. If your Rep. is a Republican (with the exception of these three Republicans who voted against it - Dave Brat (R-VA), Mark Sanford (R-SC), or Gary Palmer (R-AL), he or she has already voted in favor of the bill and you should use the script at the bottom of this post marked with an asterisk.
3. When you reach a staffperson, here's your script (always be polite - they have a really hard job):
"Hi, my name is NAME. I'm a constituent calling from TOWN/CITY. I'm calling to urge Rep. NAME to vote NO on the new Republican healthcare bill when it comes to the House floor later this week.
I'm very concerned by the CBO's findings that the AHCA would result in 24 million Americans losing health coverage, including tens of thousands who live right here in our district. (If you get your coverage via your state's ACA marketplace, you should definitely mention that now -- "I get my health insurance through the ACA and I am scared that I will lose it.")
I am disturbed that this bill would have the worst impact on the elderly and the poor - the very people who need the most help.
In addition, this bill is playing politics with women's health by including a completely unnecessary provision to de-fund Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood provides affordable routine health care services like breast exams and pap smears that help protect millions of women - especially poor women - from cancer. Since Planned Parenthood ALREADY does not receive federal funding for abortions this provision seems spiteful and politically-motivated."
When you're done with your rant, please thank the staffer for taking your call.
3. Then contact your Rep. via his/her website contact form. If you're on Facebook and Twitter, share your thoughts with them there, too.
4. Share this action with anyone you know who shares your politics and then follow up with a phone call or another email to make sure that at least three of those people contact their House Rep. before Thursday.
* If your Representative is on one of the committees that's had a chance to vote on the AHCA already, and voted YES, use this version of the script to let them know you're paying attention to their votes:
"Hi, my name is NAME. I'm a constituent calling from TOWN/CITY. I'm calling to urge Rep. NAME to vote NO on the new Republican healthcare bill when it comes to the House floor later this week. I was extremely disappointed when he/she voted YES to move the AHCA out of committee recently as it is clear that this bill is not in the best interest of his/her constituents.
The CBO found that the bill would result in 24 million Americans losing health coverage, including tens of thousands who live right here in our district. (If you get your coverage via your state's ACA marketplace, you should definitely mention that now -- "I get my health insurance through the ACA and I am scared that I will lose it.")
I am also disturbed that this bill would have the worst impact on the elderly and the poor - the very people who need the most help.
In addition, this bill is playing politics with women's health by including a completely unnecessary provision to de-fund Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood provides affordable routine health care services like breast exams and pap smears that help protect millions of women - especially poor women - from cancer. Since Planned Parenthood ALREADY does not receive federal funding for abortions this provision seems spiteful and politically-motivated."
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