3 Ways To Help Stop Gun Violence

February 16, 2018

It's been hard to focus on much of anything since the news broke about the Parkland shootings. Unfortunately, thoughts and prayers are not as effective as one would hope, so here are three simple ways you can help to stop the growing wave of gun violence.

1. Call your Representative and urge him/her to support the Stop School Violence Act H.R. 4909 that invests in early intervention and prevention to stop violence (read more about this bill here.) 

  • Find your Rep's phone number here
  • Follow the script below - feel free to use your own words and provide any personal experience you have of gun violence:

    "Hi, my name is YOUR NAME and I'm a constituent calling from YOUR TOWN/CITY. I'm calling to urge Rep. NAME to pass the STOP School Violence Act (H.R.4909) because children and teachers should not be risking their lives every day and too few of our schools and law enforcement have the tools to identify, intervene and help people who display at-risk behaviors. there is evidence that these strategies and tools really work. Thanks for taking the time to talk with me."
2. Join and/or help spread the word about the Weds, March 14th National School Walk Out being organized by the Women's March folks. Here's the Facebook event.

3. Help register likely Democrats to VOTE! Our options for preventing gun violence are limited unless and until we elect more members of Congress who are not beholden to the NRA for campaign contributions. Check Indivisible if you don't already know of a group doing voter registration in your area.

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