The fact that our government is systematically ripping immigrant families apart at our borders (and elsewhere), breaks my heart - how can anyone justify this level of pointless cruelty? It's so disturbing that I've been semi-consciously avoiding reading and thinking about it.
I was with two dear friends yesterday, both of whom are moms, like me. My friend, Deborah, whose beautiful kids are 2 and 4 years old, began to cry when she talked about wanting to drop everything (which would be hard since she's just started this amazing organization and is traveling and working non-stop) and head to the nearest border to help (she's a lawyer.) Her tears broke through the wall I'd built to shield myself from this ugly reality. So this morning (on Father's Day, rather fittingly), I decided to move beyond my denial and cowardice to action.
Without further ado, here are five concrete things you can do (in several parts) to help end this inhumane policy ASAP. I'd want everyone to do these things - and more - to try to reunite me with my kids if they were taken from me for absolutely no reason, wouldn't you?
1. Contact your members of Congress
- Start by calling your Senators - find them here and call them both until you get through. Here's a script you can use or just use your own words.
"Hi, my name is ___. I'm calling from ______ to urge Senator ___ to denounce Trump's horrific, new policy of separating immigrant families and to help end this inhumane practice immediately. This is truly the opposite of supporting family values and I find it deeply disturbing on every level. I urge the Senator to support the HELP Separated Children Act introduced by Senator Tina Smith last month, the Fair Day In Court for Kids Act introduced by Senator Maizie Hirono in February, and any other efforts to end and alleviate this immoral policy ASAP."
- Then call your Representative - find 'em here. Sample script you can use is below.
"Hi, my name is ___. I'm calling from ______ to urge Representative ____ to denounce Trump's new policy of separating immigrant families and use all his/her power to end this inhumane practice immediately. This is truly the opposite of supporting family values and I find it deeply disturbing on every level. I urge the Representative to support the Keep Families together Act that Rep. Feinstein introduced in early June and any other efforts to end this immoral policy ASAP."
- If you use social media, tweet at your members of Congress (three tweets - should take less than a minute!) - feel free to use the sample tweet below or write your own. And send them a message on Facebook, too.
For Republicans (or Democrats) who either support this hateful policy or have failed to denounce it thus far.
Please stop Trump's inhumane, immoral policy of separating immigrant families. Children need their parents. Parents need their children. God is watching you. So am I. And I vote. #FamilyValues #FamiliesBelongTogether #WhereAreTheChildren
For Democrats who've been outspoken about ending this policy:
Thank you for working to stop Trump from separating immigrant families. Please do everything in your power to end this policy ASAP. #FamilyValues #FamiliesBelongTogether #WhereAreTheChildren

- Call the DHS Comment Line: (202) 282-8495. Script here: "My name is ____ and I'm calling from _____ to let you know how deeply I disapprove of your inhumane, new policy of separating immigrant families. I urge you to reunite parents with their children and to end this inhumane policy immediately. The world is watching."
- Email DHS Secretary, Kirjsten Nielsen: - you can adapt the phone script above or use your own words.
- Tweet at the DHS Secretary - she's @SecNielsen - you're welcome to copy my tweet below or just write your own.
3. Support the organizations listed below by donating, volunteering and signing up for emails. These groups are on the front lines of this fight and are undoubtedly understaffed at the moment as well as underfunded. Let me know if you know of more I should add to the list..@SecNielsen please stop separating immigrant families immediately. It's deeply wrong and does not help America. Is this really the legacy you want to leave? God is watching. So am I. #familyvalues #FamiliesBelongTogether #WhereAreTheChildren— Eve Fox (@evefox) June 17, 2018

4. Take to the streets and/or visit your members of Congress to talk to them about ending this policy. MoveOn just announced that there will be nation-wide protests on June 30th - click here to find one near you or sign up to host in your own community. If you prefer a lobby visit to a protest, here are some great tips for planning a visit to your member of Congress' office - just adapt it for talking about this issue.
5. Make sure you are registered to vote (and that you vote for the Democrat) in the upcoming 2018 mid-term elections. If you've moved, make sure your address is correct.
Organizations To Support
ActBlue has put together a Kids At The Border fund that supports 8 excellent non-profits working on this issue - an easy way to spread your resources around if you're in a hurry, especially if you've ever given to a Democratic candidate since they've probably already got all your info :) Donate here.
RAICES is the largest immigration non-profit in Texas offering free and low-cost legal services to immigrant children and families. Donate here and sign up as a volunteer here.
The Texas Civil Rights Project is seeking “volunteers who speak Spanish, Mam, Q’eqchi’ or K’iche’ and have paralegal or legal assistant experience.” More info about their volunteer and internship opportunities here. You can donate here.
The Immigrant Child & Family Rights Project - staffed by two attorneys who will fight on behalf of individual children, advocate for systemic change to end the practice of family separation by the Department of Homeland Security, and for policies that better protect the rights of children and families. Donate here.
The Florence Project is a nonprofit legal service organization providing free legal services to men, women, and unaccompanied children in immigration custody in Arizona. Donate here.Al Otro Lado is California-based non-profit coordinating legal support for the refugee caravan currently in Tijuana, Mexico, at the San Ysidro Port of Entry, and providing critical assistance to refugees, including infants and unaccompanied minors. Donate here.
ACLU - no doubt you know these guys already, they're a huge leader in this effort. Donate here.
Women's Refugee Commission is on the front lines advocating for the critical rights and protection of refugee women and children. Donate here.
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