Get Organized - Find These Numbers And Put 'Em In Your Phone

January 31, 2017

You're going to be making a LOT of phone calls for the next four years so it pays to get yourself organized upfront.

To that end, I've created this googledoc you can use to keep track of all the phone numbers you need to have at your fingertips.

There's room for you to fill in the contact info for your two senators and your Representative at the top and then I've provided a lot of other numbers you'll probably be needing like the Speaker of the House, Senate Majority and Minority leaders, Office of Government Ethics, Senate Judiciary Committee (and all its members), etc..

I encourage you to create a copy of this googledoc and add or delete whatever info you like to make it work for you. If you use googledocs already, just create a copy right in it and go to town (see below).

If you don't use googledocs, you can download the doc as an Excel file and then make whatever changes you like there (see below).

Once you've gathered all this info, I recommend that you put the contact info for your three Congressional representatives into your phone to make it easier to ring them often. And I would make sure to include all of their district office numbers as you often have to try a few numbers before you can get through.

1. Take a look at the sheet and fill in the missing info for your members of Congress .

2. Add the pertinent numbers to your phone's address book.

3. Plan to set aside a minimum of 5-10 minutes each day to practice your acts of resistance - making phone calls, planning in-person meetings, sending tweets, educating yourself, etc.,

4. I would recommend that you schedule this time to help ensure that you actually make it happen. And make sure that you schedule it during business hours east coast time since many of the calls you'll be making will be to DC.

Call Senate Judiciary Comm. To Say "NO on Sessions"

January 30, 2017

The confirmation hearing for Senator Jeff Sessions is scheduled for tomorrow, Tuesday, January 31st. We NEED to convince the Senate to reject him - he's not fit to be our Attorney General. Not only does Sessions have a long history of racist, bigoted and sexist remarks and votes, it appears he may have played a role in drafting the executive order Trump just signed blocking people from seven Muslim countries from entering the U.S.

1. Call all the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee today. You can either use MoveOn's free call tool - they'll connect you, provide a script and even pay for the call or I've included all the members' names and numbers and a sample script you can use below.

2. Then call your Senators to urge them to vote NO on Senator Sessions and Betsy DeVos. DeVos' confirmation hearing is also scheduled for tomorrow (Tuesday) and who would be the very first Secretary of Education who has neither attended, taught at or sent her children to a public school. Not only does she appear to know very little about public education, she's also been pretty clear that she has very little investment in seeing it succeed. We also need to demand at least 30 hours of debate on each of Trump's other nominees including Tom Price and Steve Mnuchin (before they vote NO).

Please be polite and use your own words. You do not have to be an expert and it's okay to be nervous.

Script for Calls to Senate Judiciary Committee Members

Hi, thanks for taking my call. My name is (NAME) and I'm calling from (YOUR TOWN OR CITY) to urge the Senator to vote "NO" on confirming Senator Jeff Sessions' nomination to the position of Attorney General. Senator Sessions has a clear record of supporting racist, sexist, anti-LGBT, anti-environment, and anti-immigrant policies. He opposes voting rights and criminal-justice reform, as well as marriage equality. And I have heard reports that he was directly involved in drafting the horrific, unconstitutional, un-American executive order President Trump signed banning Muslims. I am urging Senator (NAME OF SENATOR) to vote against Sen. Sessions at his confirmation hearing tomorrow. We deserve an attorney general who will fight for all of us and we deserve better. I will be watching the vote closely. Thank you so much for taking the time to listen.

Script for Calls to Your Senators

Hi, my name is (NAME) and I'm a constituent calling from (YOUR TOWN OR CITY) to urge the Senator to vote "NO" on confirming Senator Jeff Sessions' nomination to the position of Attorney General. Senator Sessions has a clear record of supporting racist, sexist, anti-LGBT, anti-environment, and anti-immigrant policies. He opposes voting rights and criminal-justice reform, as well as marriage equality. And I have heard reports that he was directly involved in drafting the horrific, unconstitutional, un-American executive order President Trump signed banning Muslims. I am also urging the Senator to vote NO on confirming Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education - she has no relevant experience and appears to have no particular passion for or interest in seeing our public education system succeed. In addition, I want to urge the Senator to insist on a full 30 hours of debate for all of Trump's cabinet nominees to allow the American public to get to know them better. Thank you so much for taking the time to listen.


Republican Members
Orrin G. Hatch (UT)(202) 224-5251
Lindsey Graham (SC)(202) 224-5972
John Cornyn (TX)202-224-2934
Michael S. Lee (UT)202-224-5444
Ted Cruz (TX)(202) 224-5922
Ben Sasse (NE)202-224-4224
Jeff Flake (AZ)202-224-4521
Mike Crapo (ID)(202) 224-6142
Thom Tillis (NC)(202) 224-6342
John Kennedy (LA)202-224-4623
Democrat Members
Patrick Leahy (VT)(202) 224-4242 (already opposed - tell him thx!)
Dick Durbin (IL)(202) 224-2152 
Sheldon Whitehouse (RI)(202) 224-2921 (already opposed - tell him thx!)
Amy Klobuchar (MN)202-224-3244 (already opposed - tell her thx!)
Al Franken (MN)(202) 224-5641 (already opposed - tell him thx!)
Christopher A. Coons (DE)(202) 224-5042 (already opposed - tell him thx!)
Richard Blumenthal (CT)(202) 224-2823 (already opposed - tell him thx!)
Mazie Hirono (HI)(202) 224-6361 (already opposed- tell her thx!)

3. If you want to do more, come out to a local Resist Trump rally tomorrow, Tuesday. Find one near you here via MoveOn. You can also sign up to host your own rally!

Defund Fake News Sites That Spread Hate

January 29, 2017

Today's action is an easy and fun one - hit sites like Breitbart News, Drudge Report, where it hurts the most - their bank accounts.

How? By urging companies whose ads appear on those sites to pull them! Most of these companies place their ads via an ad network and have no idea where they show up. So we let them know and if enough of us speak up, the company will probably bow to public pressure and pull their ads which means less revenue for the hate-mongering, fake news sites...

You can do this the easy way -- go to and use the tools and screenshots they've set up which makes it super easy. You can always edit the text of the tweet or Facebook post before you share it.

Or you can do this on your own (the hard way) if you want to - here's how:

1. Go to the fake news site of your choice and scroll around until you find an ad that looks out of place (I would not bother trying to get a gun company to remove their ad, for example.)

2. Take a screenshot/screen capture of the ad on the page next to some of the page content.

3. Then tweet at the company or post on Facebook or send them an email via their customer support email address with a polite, non-offensive message letting them know where their ad is showing up and urging them to pull it. Make sure to include the screenshot with your tweet/post/message.

4. Tag Sleeping Giants in your tweet or post so they know about it (this was their great idea!) Here's Sleeping giants' Twitter handle and here's their Facebook page. If you have space left (for Tweets, that is), add the hashtag #defundhate

Some examples:
Here's one I tweeted at the LA Times whose ad is showing up on Drudge Report.
And another one I tweeted at Honest Company whose ads are all over Breitbart right now (again, they probably had no idea...)
Based on the number of ads I see on Breitbart today versus a couple months ago when I first did this, it's really working! Here's a list of all the companies who have pulled their ads so far.

Have fun de-funding fake news and hate sites :)

Join Sunday Night's Resistance Planning Call

January 28, 2017

Government offices are closed today so we get a wee break from making calls :)

Instead, sign up for tomorrow night's call to plan out our coordinated acts of resistance for the coming week with MoveOn, Working Families Party and People's Action.

Then put it on your calendar so you don't forget.

You can also listen online via live webstream at this link starting at 8 p.m. ET (7 CT/6 MT/5 PT) this Sunday, January 29:

That's it!

Have a great weekend. Don't forget to laugh (see below - it's one of my all-time favorites), get outside, hug your loved ones, listen to music, cook and eat good food, and enjoy life.

Stand With Planned Parenthood Against Protests On February 11th

January 27, 2017

Right-to-lifers will be protesting outside Planned Parenthood clinics around the country on February 11th.

We need to stand with Planned Parenthood, not just because their clinics make it possible for women to choose their own destinies but also because they are on the front lines of all sorts of other, essential healthcare for women (predominantly poor, under-served women) across America.

1. Check the list of planned protests now to see if one is planned near you. Those of you in NY, I've pasted the list below.

2. If a clinic near you is on the list, reach out to them to find out how you can help. They may need or want different things. You can get the contact info by entering your zip here.

3. Make a donation. You can make a gift to support your local clinic or you can donate directly to the national Planned Parenthood Federation of America or to the advocacy arm, Planned Parenthood Action Fund.

Planned Parenthood is a major provider not just of family planning services (including vasectomies for MEN!) but of potentially life-saving healthcare services like breast exams, testing for HIV/AIDS and other STDs testing, diabetes screening and more. Abortions account for only 3% of the services they provide. And federal funds already do NOT pay for abortions and have not for decades. See here for more info about how this works.

If you do end up at any counter protests, please keep your cool and remember that your job is to show solidarity with the women attending the clinic and the people who work there. Not only are you unlikely to change anyone's mind, you hurt the cause if you engage in name calling or violence. But pink pussy hats are okay :)


List of Anti-Planned Parenthood Protests in New York State (as of writing on 1/27 - they may be adding more...)

Planned Parenthood - Elmira Health Center
755 E. Church Street, Elmira, NY 14901 (Map & Directions)
Details coming soon.

New York
Planned Parenthood - Margaret Sanger Center
26 Bleecker Street, New York, NY 10012 (Map & Directions)
Time: 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. on Feb. 11
Sponsored by Expectant Mother Care

Planned Parenthood - Plattsburgh Health Center
66 Brinkerhoff St, Plattsburgh, NY 12901 (Map & Directions)
Time: 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. on February 11
Note: Signs wil be provided.
Sponsored by 40 Days for Life - Plattsburgh

Planned Parenthood - Poughkeepsie Health Center
178 Church Street, Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 (Map & Directions)
Time: 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. on February 11

Planned Parenthood - Greece Health Center
2824 W Ridge Rd, Rochester, NY 14626 (Map & Directions)
Time: 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. on Feb. 11

Planned Parenthood - Smithtown Health Center
70 Maple Ave, Smithtown, NY 11787 (Map & Directions)
Time: 9:00 - 10:30 a.m. on February 11

Spring Valley
Planned Parenthood - Spring Valley Health Center
25 Perlman Dr, Spring Valley, NY 10977 (Map & Directions)
Details coming soon.

Near Planned Parenthood - Troy Health Center
2nd Street and State Street, Troy, NY 12180 (Map & Directions)
Time: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. on Feb. 11
Note: Meet outside the Troy Music Hall

White Plains
Planned Parenthood - White Plains Health Center
175 Tarrytown Road, White Plains, NY 10607 (Map & Directions)

Planned Parenthood - Yonkers Health Center
20 S. Broadway, Yonkers, NY 10701 (Map & Directions)
Details coming soon.
Sponsored by Advocates of Life

Ever Visited A Member of Congress? It's Time to Start

January 25, 2017

Short version:

1. Find a local group, reach out/sign up/register and plan to attend an upcoming in-person meetingEnter your zip and see what you get!

2. Then make your daily calls - here's the link to find your MOC's phone numbers. Right now you can focus on urging them to reject Trump's unfit cabinet picks, including Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education, Jeff Sessions for Attorney General, Rick Perry for Secretary of Energy, and Scott Pruitt for Secretary of EPA. Those ones are the most relevant right now with more horrors coming soon :)

Visiting Your Members of Congress

Going to visit your elected officials' offices in person is the single most effective thing you can do to stop Trump from destroying America. So you have to do it. No ifs ands or buts about it. You don't have to do it today, but you have to do it soon and you're going to have to start doing it with some regularity, too.

But you may be feeling just a touch apprehensive about showing up on your own with no experience - I certainly was. That's why I went to my first-ever in-district office meeting two weeks ago as part of a group organized by Citizen Action of NY. Here we are downstairs.

And even though we met with our Representative's Deputy Director, rather than "himself", it was still a very empowering experience and one I plan to repeat often since my Rep. is a party line Republican. It was not so hard!

So here's what I recommend: go with a group the first time. Either find a local group who's going (in my neck of the woods, Citizen Action NY is planning to hold regular visits to John Faso's office - email Callie to let her know if you'd like to be involved) and tons of other individuals and groups are doing similar things.

MoveOn/Working Families Party/Indivisible is designating Tuesdays as #ResistTrumpTuesdays moving forward - a day each week devoted to flooding MOCs (that's short for Members of Congress) offices with visits and calls about stopping he who shall not be named. I assume they'll be pushing info out about those on a recurring basis.

You can also find a group in your area via the Indivisible web site (I checked out my zip and Holy Batman! there are literally scores of groups listed - most are probably just a few people but that's fine!)

Go check those links out and find a group to join right now. Then make plans to attend an office visit (or townhall meeting if one is coming up - it's super important to fill those with people like yourself!) with them the first time.

Here's the link to find your MOC's office locations -- just click on the link to their website from this page.

Set Aside 5-10 Minutes for Phone Calls Each Day

And make your phone calls every day. You'll probably need to try every number for your Senators and Representatives in order to find one that is actually answering but it only takes a couple minutes, particularly if you add them all to your address book or phone - which you should do right now if you haven't already.

As I mentioned earlier, ask them to reject Trump's unfit cabinet picks, including Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education, Jeff Sessions for Attorney General, Rick Perry for Secretary of Energy, and Scott Pruitt for Secretary of EPA.

Remember To Enjoy Life

Reading too much about the Trumplicans makes me scared and angry. So I have to remember to shut the computer and do something more fun than thinking about Trump like clean my toilet. I also like to hug my little boys or cook something yummy or go outside.

To that end, I hope you enjoy this lovely rendition of Smile - it made my morning. Life is still beautiful and precious amidst all this frightening ugliness. The arrangement was organized by Ben Bram (guy on the left) who said this: "I’ll be donating to Planned Parenthood ACLU Nationwide Everytown for Gun Safety in honor of this song and I hope you'll join me by donating to an organization of your choice. "

Call Bullsh#t on "Alternative Facts" (and Call Your Senators)

January 23, 2017

First of all, it's #ResistTrumpTuesday so if you can swing it, please pay a visit to your Senators in-district offices today to urge them to reject Trump's horrendous cabinet picks today. Or, if you can't go in person, call them, instead and plan to go see them soon. See yesterday's post for more details on all of this.

Second, visit Swing Left to find out where your closest swing district is and sign up to get involved now in hopes of flipping a lot of House seats BLUE in the 2018 midterm elections.

And third, we appear to be living in an "alt-reality" where the White House Press Secretary can spout outright lies of the sort that can be quickly and easily disproved and expect the press and the world to swallow them whole without even blinking.

Luckily, the press and the people are not buying it. In fact, even staunch right-wing news outlets, including Fox News, The Blaze and The Daily Caller have called out the White House for its whoppers about the size of the inauguration crowd. Only good old Breitbart stood by their buddy Trump.

Then former Trump campaign manager, current Presidential advisor and frightening husk of a human being, Kellyanne Conway had the balls to not only defend Trump's lies, saying that Press Secretary Spicer wasn't lying but was offering "alternative facts" but to also threaten to "rethink the White House's relationship" with NBC's Chuck Todd for suggesting that the Trump administration should stick to the truth. Watch her in action below if you can stand to - she is simply chilling.

We need to make it clear that "alternative facts" are not facts, they are lies. And also that we're not going to stand for reporters being bullied or threatened for doing their jobs and questioning the Trump administration's "alt-truth".

Tweet your support to NBC's Chuck Todd - be sure to use the hashtag #alternativefacts in your tweet :)

Send Chuck Todd a message on Facebook - ditto on the #alternativefacts hashtag.

Submit a comment to NBC via their web site thanking Chuck Todd for standing up to Conway and for demanding the truth.

Watch Kellyanne Conway Birth The Term "Alternative Facts"

Visit Your Senators' Home Office Tomorrow (Tuesday)

Tuesday is a day of in-person, nation-wide action to try to convince our Senators to block Trump's unacceptable cabinet picks.

1. Find your Senators district office locations and plan to go there tomorrow, Tuesday - bring friends and family! Your message is simple - ask them to reject Trump's cabinet picks.

2. Do NOT call first to tell them you're coming or to request a meeting - they'll try to get you not to come.

3. RECORD EVERYTHING - take selfies and share them on social media (if you use the hashtag #indivisible they may be able to help you get the word out more widely, you can also use #SwampCabinet and #ResistTrumpTuesdays) and record the meeting on your phone, etc., otherwise, it might be like it never happened - especially if you have a Republican Senator... And share the outcome and your story with your local press, if you can.

4. It's kinda short notice so if you can't go in person, CALL THEM INSTEAD! While not nearly as effective as going in person, a call is the next best thing, better than a printed letter, and waaaay better than an email.

If you're feeling resistance to making time for this, consider the following:

Trump's cabinet picks are truly horrifying -- Rex Tillerson (CEO of Exxon Mobil) for Secretary of State, Ben Carson (possibly an alien - definitely not qualified...) for Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Betsy DeVos (billionaire with no experience in education and seemingly no fan of public education) as Secretary of Education, Tom Price (anti-choice leader of the opposition to Obamacare) for Secretary of Health, Scott Pruitt as Secretary of EPA, Jeff Sessions (well-known racist!) as Attorney General, Rick Perry (publicly stated he would dismantle the Department of Energy in his run for the Republican nomination) as Secretary of Energy, and more.

Needless to say, these would be truly awful choices for our country...

Those of you who are here in New York, below is all the info for our Senators, Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand's offices. Although they're pretty good champions, I would personally love to see them take a harder line and be more vocal in their opposition - basically, I want them to channel Elizabeth Warren! That's why it's still super important for them to hear from us - to support them and to let them know we want them to work even harder to counter Trump's agenda.

For those of you here in the Hudson Valley, let me know if you want to go to Albany to visit both of their offices - they're in the same building :) There's also a noon meeting in Albany being organized by another MoveOn member you can RSVP here for that.

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand's Offices:

Albany/Capital District Office
Leo W. O’Brien Federal Office Building
11A Clinton Avenue, Room 821
Albany, NY 12207
Tel. (518) 431-0120

Syracuse/Central NY
James M. Hanley Federal Building
100 South Clinton Street, Room 1470
PO Box 7378
Syracuse, NY 13261

Buffalo Office
Larkin At Exchange
726 Exchange Street, Suite 511
Buffalo, NY 14210
Tel. (716) 854-9725

Long Island Office
155 Pinelawn Road, Suite 250 North
Melville, NY 11747
Tel. (631) 249-2825

New York City Office
780 Third Avenue, Suite 2601
New York, New York 10017
Tel. (212) 688-6262

North Country Office
PO Box 273
Lowville, NY 13367
Tel. (315) 376-6118

Hudson Valley Office
PO Box 893
Mahopac, NY 10541
Tel. (845) 875-4585

Rochester Office
Kenneth B. Keating Federal Office Building
100 State Street, Room 4195
Rochester, NY 14614
Tel. (585) 263-6250

Washington, DC Office
478 Russell
Washington, DC 20510
Tel. (202) 224-4451

Senator Chuck Schumer's Offices:
Albany Office
Leo O'Brien Building, Room 420
Albany, NY 12207
Phone: (518) 431-4070

Binghamton Office
15 Henry Street, Room. 100 A-F
Binghamton, NY 13901
Phone: (607) 772-6792

Buffalo Office
130 South Elmwood Avenue, #660
Buffalo, NY 14202
Phone: (716) 846-4111

Melville Office
145 Pine Lawn Road, #300
Melville, NY 11747
Phone: (631) 753-0978

New York City
780 Third Avenue, Suite 2301
New York, NY 10017
Phone: (212) 486-4430

Peekskill Office
One Park Place, Suite 100
Peekskill, NY 10566
Phone: (914) 734-1532

Rochester Office
100 State Street, Room 3040
Rochester, NY 14614
Phone: (585) 263-5866

Syracuse Office
100 South Clinton Street, Room 841
Syracuse, NY 13261
Phone: (315) 423-5471

Washington, DC Office
322 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510
Phone: (202) 224-6542

Sign Up for Tonight's Call with MoveOn, Working Families Party & Indivisible

January 22, 2017

Short version: Register for tonight's planning and training call with, Working Families Party and Indivisible at 8 PM ET. More details below.

Yesterday was AMAZING! More on the Marches below. But in terms of what you can do today, I've got a good one for you.

Sign up for a planning and training call TONIGHT with, The Working Families Party and the authors of that amazing Indivisible Guide

They'll be explaining how you can take immediate and effective action to block the Trump/Republican agenda, starting with rallies at our senators' district offices this Tuesday to stop Trump's horrendous Cabinet picks.

The call is tonight (Sunday) at 8 PM ET (7 CT/6 MT/5 PT). Sign up here.

Now back to the March -- wasn't yesterday wonderful?! So many people, so much positive, kick-ass energy, so many brilliant signs.

It was truly heartening to be part of this loud, colorful reminder that WE ARE THE MAJORITY. See below for some snaps from the March in NYC where I was with my mom, my friend, Jess, our friends, Sam and Pam from Brooklyn and a busload of people from Woodstock.

NYC was a sea of pink pussy hats. 2nd Avenue was so filled with women, men and children of all races and ages exercising their Constitutional rights to protect our democracy that we couldn't move anywhere for several hours.

People in apartments along the route blasted music and held impromptu dance parties (YMCA was a huge hit) to cheer us on and two women about 8 stories up waved their bras out the window, to the deafening roar of the crowd. Drones and helicopters swooped by overhead to capture the power of the peaceful protest.

The woman in the photo below was part of a group of diverse younger people who were so fired up - they kept busting out in the best chants.

Some of my favorite chants of the day were, "Hands too small, can't build a wall" and "F#ck your tower, f#ck your wall" (the NYC March route ended just shy of Trump Tower) and I burst out laughing when the crowd spontaneously started chanting "meow, meow, meow, meow."

And the signs... So great! Here were some of my favorites:

A few I liked but unfortunately, did not get any pix of were: "We Shall Overcomb", "Tiny Hands, HUGE Asshole", "Hell Hath No Fury Like 157 Million Women Scorned", and "Respect Our Existence or Expect Our Resistance."

There were HUGE turnouts in all 50 states as well as in cities around the world including Paris, Sydney, London, New Delhi, Mexico City, and even Antarctica!

Please join the call tonight. I'm planning on it.

Please share widely and encourage your friends and family to sign up, too.

Join a March & Get Ready To Fight Back

January 20, 2017

Short version: Find and join a March for Women tomorrow

Fitting that this inaugural post should be on the day of he-who-shall-not-be-named's inauguration. I've started this site/blog/list/whatever to share simple ways YOU can help fight Trump and the Republicans' hateful, divisive, destructive agenda. Yes, little old you are essential to the success of this effort. You may not know exactly how a bill becomes a law or who your members of Congress are or who your state Senator is. None of that matters!

What matters is that you have the guts not to look away from the hateful, scary train wreck that began on November 9th. We can't afford to bury our heads in the sand -- the stakes are too high. Our rights, our laws, the very fabric of our nation, and the integrity of our democracy are at serious risk.

And once you start to get involved, you will find that it feels GOOD! Yes, you may be enraged a lot of the time but you will be channeling that upset into DOING SOMETHING to stop the enemies of peace, love, equality and freedom. It's empowering. So let's get started!

Step 1: If you're not already planning on joining a March tomorrow, find one right now.

You don't have to go to the huge one in DC - there are tons of sister marches taking place all across the country. There's even one in my tiny little town of Woodstock, NY.

So find one, register! (this helps the March organizers plan and also enables them to report to the press more accurately which is good) and march. Someone may have even made an extra pussy hat you can wear...

Here's a list of what you should and should not bring to the March - yes to your cell phone, water and a Sharpie but no to your huge purse or backpack.

And below is a list of sign ideas if you're moved to create one.

As Nike says, Just Do It. The alternative is unacceptable.


  • I make the best signs. Really terrific signs. I have the best signs. Everybody says so!
  • Women's Rights are Human Rights
  • America is Already Great!
  • Trump, You're FIRED!
  • Trump went to Russia and all we got was this pea-soaked, puppet of a President
  • (tiny, orange) HANDS OFF MY HEALTHCARE! 
  • My body. My choice. My vote.
  • My body. My choice. My insatiable thirst for revenge.
  • Dump Trump
  • This Nasty Woman Votes & Calls & Sends Letters & Attends In-Person-Meetings & Donates
  • Nasty Women for Peace, Love, Equality & Freedom
  • Pussy Grabs Back
  • #NotMyPresident
  • This Pro-Choice Woman VOTES
Join the Uproar has got a ton of awesome, free signs available for download (see a few below). Thanks to Megan for the heads up on those!

The folks at the Amplifier Foundation put together some free downloadable signs, including these two below. Check them all out.

And our friend's sister, Ruth made this awesome poster that reads, "Justice, Justice Shall You Pursue" (Deuteronomy 16:20) written in the Hebrew feminine. Rawr. Free to download at her site.