Call Bullsh#t on "Alternative Facts" (and Call Your Senators)

January 23, 2017

First of all, it's #ResistTrumpTuesday so if you can swing it, please pay a visit to your Senators in-district offices today to urge them to reject Trump's horrendous cabinet picks today. Or, if you can't go in person, call them, instead and plan to go see them soon. See yesterday's post for more details on all of this.

Second, visit Swing Left to find out where your closest swing district is and sign up to get involved now in hopes of flipping a lot of House seats BLUE in the 2018 midterm elections.

And third, we appear to be living in an "alt-reality" where the White House Press Secretary can spout outright lies of the sort that can be quickly and easily disproved and expect the press and the world to swallow them whole without even blinking.

Luckily, the press and the people are not buying it. In fact, even staunch right-wing news outlets, including Fox News, The Blaze and The Daily Caller have called out the White House for its whoppers about the size of the inauguration crowd. Only good old Breitbart stood by their buddy Trump.

Then former Trump campaign manager, current Presidential advisor and frightening husk of a human being, Kellyanne Conway had the balls to not only defend Trump's lies, saying that Press Secretary Spicer wasn't lying but was offering "alternative facts" but to also threaten to "rethink the White House's relationship" with NBC's Chuck Todd for suggesting that the Trump administration should stick to the truth. Watch her in action below if you can stand to - she is simply chilling.

We need to make it clear that "alternative facts" are not facts, they are lies. And also that we're not going to stand for reporters being bullied or threatened for doing their jobs and questioning the Trump administration's "alt-truth".

Tweet your support to NBC's Chuck Todd - be sure to use the hashtag #alternativefacts in your tweet :)

Send Chuck Todd a message on Facebook - ditto on the #alternativefacts hashtag.

Submit a comment to NBC via their web site thanking Chuck Todd for standing up to Conway and for demanding the truth.

Watch Kellyanne Conway Birth The Term "Alternative Facts"

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