Yesterday was AMAZING! More on the Marches below. But in terms of what you can do today, I've got a good one for you.
Sign up for a planning and training call TONIGHT with, The Working Families Party and the authors of that amazing Indivisible Guide.
They'll be explaining how you can take immediate and effective action to block the Trump/Republican agenda, starting with rallies at our senators' district offices this Tuesday to stop Trump's horrendous Cabinet picks.
The call is tonight (Sunday) at 8 PM ET (7 CT/6 MT/5 PT). Sign up here.
Now back to the March -- wasn't yesterday wonderful?! So many people, so much positive, kick-ass energy, so many brilliant signs.
It was truly heartening to be part of this loud, colorful reminder that WE ARE THE MAJORITY. See below for some snaps from the March in NYC where I was with my mom, my friend, Jess, our friends, Sam and Pam from Brooklyn and a busload of people from Woodstock.
NYC was a sea of pink pussy hats. 2nd Avenue was so filled with women, men and children of all races and ages exercising their Constitutional rights to protect our democracy that we couldn't move anywhere for several hours.
People in apartments along the route blasted music and held impromptu dance parties (YMCA was a huge hit) to cheer us on and two women about 8 stories up waved their bras out the window, to the deafening roar of the crowd. Drones and helicopters swooped by overhead to capture the power of the peaceful protest.
The woman in the photo below was part of a group of diverse younger people who were so fired up - they kept busting out in the best chants.
Some of my favorite chants of the day were, "Hands too small, can't build a wall" and "F#ck your tower, f#ck your wall" (the NYC March route ended just shy of Trump Tower) and I burst out laughing when the crowd spontaneously started chanting "meow, meow, meow, meow."
And the signs... So great! Here were some of my favorites:
A few I liked but unfortunately, did not get any pix of were: "We Shall Overcomb", "Tiny Hands, HUGE Asshole", "Hell Hath No Fury Like 157 Million Women Scorned", and "Respect Our Existence or Expect Our Resistance."
There were HUGE turnouts in all 50 states as well as in cities around the world including Paris, Sydney, London, New Delhi, Mexico City, and even Antarctica!
Please join the call tonight. I'm planning on it.
Please share widely and encourage your friends and family to sign up, too.
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